Quantum networks: the missing link between quantum computers
Accomplishing this requires a new tool: a quantum repeater which corrects for losses and errors that occur as information travels. We’ve covered this technology in a previous blog post, but in short: quantum repeaters are developed using quantum memories – devices that catch individual photons, encoded with quantum information and store this information on a local memory. This memory then does some simple computations to preserve the information stored on it and deliver it on demand, thus acting as a repeater.
Finding the right memory to achieve this task is challenging but a number of teams around the world are rapidly making progress. Now a team of Harvard and AWS scientists have created a 35 km long link that can communicate and store quantum information for more than a second using a unique quantum memory: an atomic defect in diamond called the Silicon Vacancy Center (SiV).

Out of the lab: a field deployed quantum network
The memory storage and retrieval operations are also heralded – meaning that success or failure can be detected and corrected for at each stage in the operation.
Finally, the system inherently has access to nearby nuclear spin memories which can be used to perform error detection and correction. The primary limitation of this memory is that it requires ultra-low temperatures to function (though recent progress raised the operating temperature by a factor of twenty) and that sufficiently pure diamond is challenging to produce.

When the photon interacts with the quantum memory, it becomes entangled with the memory – meaning that measurements performed on either the photon or the memory would provide information on (and thus modify) the state of the other.
This process, known as heralding, lets the network know when it has succeeded (or failed) in generating entanglement between nodes, which can then be used for subsequent applications. The result is a pair of entangled quantum memories which, though located in the same building, were entangled by a photon which traveled more than 35 kilometers.
A world wide web: scaling quantum networks
While this demonstration shows the promise of the underlying technology, this network still needs to make device engineering improvements before it can perform at a commercially relevant bandwidth and accuracy (known as fidelity). Most important among these is moving to multiplexed use of photonic devices, which use many quantum memories operating in parallel to speed up the rate of communication.