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UKQuantum Launches its Manifesto for the UK Quantum Technology Sector

Insider Brief
  • UKQuantum, the consortium for the UK quantum industry, launched its Manifesto for the UK’s quantum sector.
  • The manifesto makes specific recommendations to the next government to ensure the UK maintains its position as a global quantum technology leader.
  • UKQuantum is committed to providing a unified voice for the sector while supporting and representing the UK as a global quantum technology leader.
PRESS RELEASE — UKQuantum, the consortium for the UK quantum industry, has today launched its Manifesto for the UK’s quantum sector, making specific recommendations to the next government to ensure the UK maintains its position as a global quantum technology leader.
We are already surrounded by quantum technologies. From microprocessors to digital cameras, to lasers—these technologies rely on the quantum behaviour at the atomic level. New techniques developed in the last decade allow the manipulation of individual quantum objects (individual atoms and photons of light) leading to a new generation of quantum technologies with the power to radically expedite the development of drug treatments, supercharge the development of AI, support the fight against climate change and create unbreakable encryption.
This potential has led to an international race to master and commercialise these technologies and control the supply chain due to their economic and security impacts and the potential to revolutionise critical sectors like Defence, Space, Health and Energy.
To ensure continued UK leadership in the field UKQuantum’s key recommendations are:
  • Ensure stable policy in quantum technologies to boost private investment in the sector;
  • Adopt a sector-oriented approach to the development of end-user applications of quantum technology;
  • Establish clarity and consistency in UK export controls to promote fair competition;
  • Commit at least £200m of public funds for equity investment into quantum-specific investment entities;
  • Invest in UK’s strengths in supply chains while securing access to overseas supply from allied countries;
  • Build the UK’s Quantum security resilience and advance preparations for the arrival of cryptographically relevant quantum computers;
  • Accelerate workforce development efforts;
  • Foster collaboration across Government and Industry for international partnerships; and
  • Adopt a collaborative approach with the sector for regulation and responsible innovation in quantum technology.
Jonathan Legh-Smith, Executive Director, said “the UK is well positioned as one of the leaders in this field through its world leading universities and creation of the first National Quantum Technologies Programme over a decade ago. But we cannot be complacent – as countries around the world declare their own national quantum strategies it would be easy to fall behind. As we head into the election this manifesto sets out UKQuantum’s recommendations to the next Government to ensure the UK’s continued success in the field of quantum technology”.
About UKQuantum
With 50 members, ranging from startups to enterprise users, UKQuantum is committed to providing a unified voice for the sector while supporting and representing the UK as a global quantum technology leader. You can learn more at